
Is compliance turning into a checking the box exercise?
Jun 24. 2020

Is compliance turning into a checking the box exercise?

One must have noticed over the years the increasing number of regulatory compliance requirements. However, recently there is enhanced pressure, especially in the US to...

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Is the corporate culture in trouble?
May 29. 2020

Is the corporate culture in trouble?

It seems more and more warning signs are flashing that the corporate culture of many organizations has deteriorated. According to PWC's latest 2020 Global Economic...

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Project hype-cycles – are they being audited?
May 06. 2020

Project hype-cycles – are they being audited?

Project hype-cycles within large and mature organizations emerge due to entities' limited toolbox when it comes to earnings growth. On a high level, entities can...

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Auditing the IT change management process
Apr 15. 2020

Auditing the IT change management process

Auditing the change management process is a hot topic not only in the IT domain but also in project management. There are a number of...

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Auditing the anti-money laundering framework
Mar 22. 2020

Auditing the anti-money laundering framework

Auditing the anti-money laundering (AML) framework is critical to ensure that banks and financial institutions do ensure compliance with regulatory guidelines. In light of the recent...

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Annual risk assessment & the audit plan
Mar 17. 2020

Annual risk assessment & the audit plan

Each year, internal audit conducts a companywide risk assessment in order prepare its annual audit plan. Typically, the whole internal audit function is involved in...

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Penetration Testing vs. Comprehensive IT security assessment
Mar 16. 2020

Penetration Testing vs. Comprehensive IT security assessment

Recently, one can observe a hype around penetration testing. If you look at the job postings, now everyone is looking for a penetration testing expert...

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Auditing Human Resources – the hidden value added
Mar 16. 2020

Auditing Human Resources – the hidden value added

I am sure many audit functions tend to have certain unease when it comes to audit the human resources (HR) function. Obviously, auditing both the...

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Outsourcing Internal Audit vs. in-house or hybrid approach?
Mar 09. 2020

Outsourcing Internal Audit vs. in-house or hybrid approach?

Newly listed companies must consider whether outsourcing internal audit functions is preferable to building up their own in-house capabilities.Post IPO companies are wary of the...

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Capital project procurement audit - Ventigence Singapore
Mar 06. 2020

Capital project procurement audit - Ventigence Singapore

Major capital projects are key contributor of many companies’ organic growth strategy. Due to their innate nature such as: multi-year time horizon, significant financial commitment,...

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Internal audit plan & the power fault lines
Feb 20. 2020

Internal audit plan & the power fault lines

I want to raise a different perspective on looking at the annual internal audit plan of an organisation. We usually look at what internal audit...

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Auditing sustainability - Ventigence weighs in
Feb 20. 2020

Auditing sustainability - Ventigence weighs in

Sustainability has been in the spot light of corporation, regulators and think thanks in the recent years. It closely aligns with the overall rethinking of...

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Data Analytics – Commoditization vs. Creativity
Feb 20. 2020

Data Analytics – Commoditization vs. Creativity

Data Analytics – Commoditization vs. Creativity Data analytics has shot into the spotlight with the proliferation of abundant internal and external (public) data. Phyton, R and...

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Corporate Strategy Audit - where is the methodology?
Feb 20. 2020

Corporate Strategy Audit - where is the methodology?

While attending Internal Audit conferences, many presenters, including Chief Audit Executives, raised their board’s concerns about corporate strategy audit. However, it was striking that currently...

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Internal Audit and the Emerging Stakeholder Capitalism
Jan 23. 2020

Internal Audit and the Emerging Stakeholder Capitalism

Various global trends such as: growing inequality, negative effects of climate change, corporate scandals due to erosion of corporate cultures etc. all point to a...

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Corporate Culture Problems – Use
Jan 23. 2020

Corporate Culture Problems – Use "Just for Show" activities as a leading indicator

When internal audit and the board try to get a grasp of the prevailing corporate culture, they struggle to identify granular level indicators. Most of...

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